




Time away

Travel through time and space

Let me feel cozy

The shining far away from me

Black hole gate

Speed to look at you

To let me in your world

To make the call

And to sing the song for you

Lets try to get the picture

Of the orion to your heart

Even if you miss the gravity

You will fall among the stars

The waves surrounding you

They are colorful and can drive away the dark

No longer lonely because youve seen it is

Wave star the time to be apart

Of the lighting from the star

Because youve seen star

This dream dont need the lut

All return to the world or love song

Dont give up get up

We we will carry on

Wake up spar king for me

Because you belong with star

Even if we cant land the surface

Were always by your side and give you my heart

Time away

Travel through time and space

Let me feel cozy

The shining far away from me

Black hole gate

Speed to look at you

To let me in your world

To make the call

And to sing the song for you

Lets try to get the picture

Of the orion to your heart

Even if you miss the gravity

You will fall among the stars

The waves surrounding you

They are colorful and can drive away the dark

No longer lonely because youve seen it is

Wave star

Wave star the time to be apart

Of the lighting from the star

Because youve seen star

This dream dont need the lut

All return to the world or love song

Dont give up get up

We we will carry on

Wake up spar king for me

Because you belong with star

Even if we cant land the surface

Were always by your side and give you my heart

Because you belong with star

Even if we cant land the surface

Were always by your side and give you my heart



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